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How do you start your day?  Do you struggle to get out of bed, get cleaned up and dressed?  You skip “the most important meal of the day” and somehow find your way to work after stopping at the convenience store for coffee?  All of us should take time every morning to get the best start on the day we possibly can.  God should play a significant role in starting your day!

Will Austin is a friend of mine and he recently shared a part of his daily start-up.  He reviews every morning his “Live For Him” list.  “Reading through this list is the very first thing I do each morning.  It allows me to recalibrate with what really matters,” he said.  He graciously gave me permission to share his LFH list with you.

  1. Every second of life is a gift; no matter what I endure…this is the most important thing to remember!
  2. Include God in everything I do.
  3. Everything is God’s; I am merely a steward of what He allows me to use.
  4. Read morning Scriptures with passion, purely searching for truth and wisdom.
  5. I can’t….but God can!!!
  6. Preserve my words…less talk; never answer before listening
  7. Trust in the Lord as though everything depends on Him. Work as though everything depends on me.
  8. Take action!!!  Ask three questions: Is the plan in harmony with God’s plan?  Will it work in real life circumstances?  Is my attitude pleasing to God?
  9. Make the right decisions by:  Getting facts before answering.  Be open to new ideas.  Make sure I hear all sides of the story before judging.
  10. There is great personal victory in controlling my temper!


Will said, “It is amazing how simple and to what perspective things seem to fall when I start my day this way.”  This Live For Him list can get you started every morning in the right way.  Maybe you and God need to come up with your own list.  The point is: Start things the right way everyday by including God in your plans!

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